
Mast Cell-mediated innate immune response against Candida infections


In the project, we present an innovative approach, thus far absent from the literature, that focuses on the interaction between the regulatory subunit of the Candida albicans Cal calcineurin (coding gene CNB1) and mast cells, which are the sensors of congenital immunity and effectors of acquired immunity. We will prove the CNB1 Cal’s role in the activation of mast cells in vivo for maintaining homeostasis/ generating an inflammatory response. We will determine whether mast cells are essential in establishing a congenital response to candidiasis. We will deepen our knowledge regarding the pathogenesis of fungal infections in patients with compromised immunity, which is key for the interaction host – Cal (positive feedback in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory mediators induced by fungal calcineurin). We shall develop an immunotherapeutic and anti-fungal strategy (calcineurin as a target for proxiphiline derivative).


This project is financed by the National Science Centre 

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Warsaw University of Technology

Project no.


Project value

PLN 2 173 327.00

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