Conference „The Challenges and opportunities for electronic and photonic ecosystems resulting from the EU Chips Act”


The conference will take place on April 4, 2023. The event is a voice in the discussion on the pan-European European Chip Act project.


The Challenges and opportunities for electronic and photonic ecosystems resulting from the EU Chips Act conference is devoted to the actions taken by Europe at the institutional level in cooperation with universities, research institutes and enterprises in the field of microelectronics / nanoelectronics, photonics and microsystems – MOEMS in connection with the European Chip document act.

This unprecedented move has not only created completely new opportunities to increase the production capacity of microelectronic and photonic semiconductor components and systems, but it is complicated and requires working discussions and a full understanding of the intentions and reasons for which at the European and national level such and no other decisions.

The conference is to create a unique opportunity to hear from the so-called „first mouth” of information about the intentions and the way of implementing this ambitious task in Europe (revitalization and effective support for development at the level of Europe and the Member States of research and production in the field of microelectronics and photonics), in particular discussing how institutions carrying out basic research and R&D, as well as production companies can find their way in this complicated configuration of projects, initiatives and supporting funds. The initiative to establish a cluster bringing together institutions active in this field in Poland is also significant.

The area of discussion also concerns national policy in the field of basic research and R&D, as well as forms and projects of support for native Polish enterprises operating in this thematic area. The presentations will include speeches by senior EC officials responsible for implementing the provisions of the EU Chip Act, institutions established to support it – LTC JU, projects aimed at localizing competences and proposing their optimal use at the European level, and representatives of Polish authorities involved in the implementation of this task in the national forum.
The discussion will be attended by representatives of Polish and European research centers and commercial companies active in this field.

Click here to see the agenda.

The organizer reserves the right to change the schedule.
The event will be held in English.

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