Innovative integrated system for field and stationary diagnostics of parasitic, bacterial and viral invasions in PKW areas (DIAGNOTROP)
The project aims to create an innovative, integrated system for specific, fast and reliable diagnostics of invasive and infectious diseases of parasitic, bacterial and viral etiology in Polish Armed Forces soldiers stationed abroad and returning from military operations.
The final result of the project, after the implementation of the specific objectives, will be tested in field conditions and verified prototype of the DIAGNOTROP field test. The prototype will enable quick diagnostics in the field of soldier self-examination for possible parasitic invasions. The second stationary prototype of DIAGNOTROP will enable comprehensive diagnostics of a soldier after returning to the country as part of the laboratories of the military health service.
As part of the project, solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) will also be created to support training procedures, performance and interpretation of individual diagnostic tests.
As a consequence, the implementation of the project will contribute to avoiding the harmful consequences of diseases with a latent or mildly symptomatic clinical course. In this way, it will directly contribute to increasing the health security of soldiers.
The implementation of the project results will also bring measurable benefits in the form of reduced financial outlays for the treatment of complications and shortening the period of sickness absence of soldiers.
Project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the competition No. 12/2022 for the implementation and financing of projects for the defense and security of the state.
Military Institute of Medicine – National Research Institute
Warsaw University of Technology – Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT
University of Lodz
Military University of Technology
Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences
Dynamic Safety Corporation Sp. z o. o.
Project No
DOB- BIO-12-04-001-2022
Project value
Entire project: PLN 24,663,305.00
PW: PLN 2,596,913.00