Ellipsometric measurements

We perform complete ellipsometric measurements of samples.

We offer:

  • measuring substrates with a maximum diameter of 200 mm
  • determination of the thickness of thin layers of transmission or partially transmission materials
  • estimation of the composition of multicomponent materials
  • thickness measurements of multilayer materials and determination of optical parameters of these layers
  • mapping (2D) of the determined parameters (thickness and optical parameters) on the sample surface
  • spectral range of measurement from 190 nm to 2100 nm
  • range of angle movement of arms from 40° to 90°
  • wide base of materials that allows matching the model to the measurement conditions and the measured materials

Keywords: ellipsometer, ellipsometric measurements, ellipsometric analysis, composition estimation, thickness measurement, 2d mapping

contact: uslugi.cezamat@pw.edu.pl

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