SEM imaging and metal sputtering

Imaging is being performed with Hitachi SU8230 ultra-high resolution scanning electron microscope with Bruker Xflash7 EDS detector. We perform:

  • Imaging in scanning mode (SEM)
  • Imaging in transmission mode (STEM)
  • X-ray spectra analysis of samples (EDS)
  • Imaging using preparation in ionic liquids
  • Imaging of frozen samples in Cryo-SEM mode

Samples for observation in Cryo-SEM mode should be arranged well in advance (min. 2 weeks).


We offer possibility to apply metal layers using the Quorum Q150 TS plasma sputter coater. The coater is designed for sample preparation for the SEM, but any solid objects can be sputtered. The maximum size of the object introduced into the chamber of the coater machine is about 10 x 10 cm. We offer sputtering of layers from several to tens of nanometers with:

  • Gold
  • Gold-palladium alloy
  • After purchase of the target by the customer we can sputter coat objects with platinum, silver, chromium and many other metals.

Keywords: scanning electron microscope, SEM imaging, biomaterials, X-ray spectra, nanomaterials.


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