Katarzyna Nawrotek PhD DSc Eng. joins the elite group of the Young Academy of Europe

6 September 2024

Katarzyna Nawrotek PhD DSc Eng. from the Department of Medical Biotechnology at the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies has been admitted to the prestigious group of young scientists in the Young Academy of Europe (https://yacadeuro.org/nawrotek/).

The Young Academy of Europe has been operating since 2012 and serves as the voice of young scientists, fostering networking, scientific exchange, and shaping science policy. Its members are internationally recognized scientists and scholars from all disciplines who wish to contribute significantly to shaping the European scientific agenda for future European researchers.

Dr. Nawrotek’s candidacy was supported by Prof. dr hab. inż. Marta Gmurek, a member of the Young Academy of Europe, as well as the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Young Academy of Scholars.

Congratulations and best wishes for continued success!

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