Piotr Wiśniewski, PhD Eng.
In 2014, he received his MSc. Eng. degree in microelectronics, photonics, and nanotechnology, and in 2020, Ph.D. degree with honours from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology. Associated with the project of CEZAMAT since 2013. In 2013, he participated in a 6-month internship at the IMEC research center in Belgium. Currently, he is an assistant professor and Head of the Intelligent Semiconductor Systems Department (SEMINSYS) at the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT of the Warsaw University of Technology. He is responsible for managing the semiconductor pilot line and R&D of the department, leading a group of researchers and engineers. He has been actively involved in national and international projects as a principal investigator or researcher, supported by various research agencies (National Science Centre, National Center for Research and Development, Foundation for Polish Science, EU Horizon Europe, and internal university funds).Author and co-author of more than 75 publications (journals, conferences). His research interests and expertise cover physics, modeling, and technology of semiconductor devices for micro / nano-electronics and photonics. He was awarded by his Magnificence Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for scientific achievements (2020, 2021-2022).
Selected Publications
- P. Wiśniewski and B. Majkusiak, "Modeling the Current-Voltage Characteristics of Ge₁₋ₓSnₓ Electron-Hole Bilayer TFET With Various Compositions," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 67, no. 7, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TED.2020.2993817
- Pavlo Sai, Dmytro But, Ivan Yahniuk, Mikolaj Grabowski, Maciej Sakowicz, Piotr Kruszewski, Pawel Prystawko, Alexander Khachapuridze, Krzesimir Nowakowski-Szkudlarek, Jacek Przybytek, Piotr Wiśniewski, Bartłomiej Stonio, Mateusz Słowikowski, Sergey Rumyantsev, Wojciech Knap and Grzegorz Cywinski, “AlGaN/GaN field effect transistor with two lateral Schottky barrier gates towards resonant detection in sub-mm range”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 34 (2019) 024002. doi: 10.1088/1361-6641/aaf4a7.
- P. Sai, D. B. But, K. Nowakowski-Szkudlarek, J. Przybytek, P. Prystawko, I. Yahniuk, P. Wiśniewski, B. Stonio, M. Słowikowski, S. L. Rumyantsev, W. Knap, G. Cywiński, "A1GaN/GaN Field Effect Transistors Based on Lateral Schottky Barrier Gates as Millimeter Wave Detectors" 2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Nagoya, 2018, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2018.8510420
- G. Cywinski, P. Sai, I. Yahniuk, P. Kruszewski, B. Grzywacz, J. Przybytek, P. Prystawko, A. Khachapuridze, K. Nowakowski-Szkudlarek, W. Knap, P. Wiśniewski, B. Stonio, G. Simin, S. Rumyantsev, "Towards resonant THz detector: Devices based on Schottky diodes to 2DEG GaN/AlGaN" 2018 22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), Poznan, 2018, pp. 715-718. doi: 10.23919/MIKON.2018.8405335
- P. Wisniewski, B. Majkusiak, “Modeling the Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor Based on Different Tunneling Path Approaches” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 65, no. 6, 2018, doi: 10.1109/TED.2018.2821059.
Research interests
- Modeling of semiconductor devices (MOSFET, TFET)
- Technology of MOS devices
- Electrical characterization of semiconductor devices