Commencement of work on the innovative ASIR project for water quality monitoring

5 September 2024

We are pleased to announce the launch of a project funded under the Hydrostrateg II program. Warsaw University of Technology (Leader) Cezamat WUD, Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the Faculty of Chemistry, in collaboration with the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, MAGLY Sp. z o.o., and NEBUCODE Sp. z o.o., aim to develop an Autonomous Internet of Things (IoT) System for Water Quality Monitoring and Operational Support for Threats Identification.


Project objectives and scope

Autonomous Monitoring Station:The station will continuously monitor 10 key physico-chemical water parameters throughout the year, operating 365 days without interruption. Utilizing micro-hydrogenerator technology, the ASP will function reliably even under challenging conditions, ensuring uninterrupted operation. Measurement modules with miniaturized sensors on flexible substrates will provide high measurement precision while keeping operational costs to a minimum.

Intelligent Cloud-Based Monitoring Station Management System:The cloud platform will enable advanced data management and hazard forecasting. The system will include modules for water parameter forecasting, anomaly detection, station location optimization, and other innovative features. By leveraging artificial intelligence in a central data model, early hazard detection and the optimization of preventive measures will be made possible.

Interactive National River Pollution Risk Map:This map will provide detailed information on river pollution risks by integrating data from various sources and presenting it in an accessible format. This tool will assist in planning monitoring station locations and tracking water quality across different regions of the country.

Why is the ASIR project important?

Current water monitoring technologies are not fully adapted to riverine conditions, resulting in high costs and limited efficiency. Our solution addresses this need by providing modern, energy-efficient tools for precise water quality monitoring and effective water resource management.

We expect our project to significantly improve water monitoring and pollution risk management.

We would like to thank our partners for their support and look forward to the next steps in bringing this innovative initiative to life!

The project is co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Hydrostrateg program “Innovations for Water Economy and Inland Navigation.” The total project value is PLN 25,085,394.93, with co-financing of PLN 22,178,017.24.

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