Marcin Juchniewicz, PhD Eng.
Graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology. In 2014, he defended his PhD thesis at the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, entitled "Development and study of microsystems with conductometric detection of ionic composition of the sample". From 2009 to 2016, he worked at the Institute of Electron Technology where he focused on HEMT transistor fabrication technology. From 2016 to 2019 he joined Oxford Instruments as a senior service and process engineer where he was responsible for installation, service and acceptance tests of R&D equipment for semiconductor plasma processes. He was also training customers in cleanrooms across Europe. Since 2019, he has been associated with CEZAMAT where he works as an assistant professor. His research interests include plasma processes, lithography processes, ion implantation and issues related to microfluidics.
Areas of research
- plasma processes in semiconductor technology
- lithography processes
- ion implantation
- microfluidics
Selected Publications
- M.A. Borysiewicz, M. Juchniewicz, P. Prystawko, A. Zagojski, M. Wzorek, M. Ekielski, K. Pągowska, W. Zaleszczyk, Hierarchically porous GaN thin films fabricated using high fluence Ar ion implantation of epitaxial GaN on sapphire, Thin Solid Films, Volume 758, 2022,139429
- Lelit, M.; Słowikowski, M.; Filipiak, M.; Juchniewicz, M.; Stonio, B.; Michalak, B.; Pavłov, K.; Myśliwiec, M.; Wiśniewski, P.; Kaźmierczak, A.; Anders, K.; Stopiński, S.; Beck, R.B.; Piramidowicz, R. Passive Photonic Integrated Circuits Elements Fabricated on a Silicon Nitride Platform. Materials 2022, 15, 1398.
- Rutkowska, K.A.; Sobotka, P.; Grom, M.; Baczyński, S.; Juchniewicz, M.; Marchlewicz, K.; Dybko, A. A Novel Approach for the Creation of Electrically Controlled LC:PDMS Microstructures. Sensors 2022, 22, 4037. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22114037
- Pawłowska, S., Gierowski, J., Stonio, B. et al. Implementation of SiN thin film in fiber-optic sensor working in telecommunication range of wavelengths. Sci Rep 11, 22402 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-00195-9